Enrollment Steps

  1. Step -1current step -Customer Information
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Helpful Information

Errors found:Please resolve the following issues:

    To get started, please enter the following required information.
    Please make sure the information you enter matches what we have on file.

    If you think there’s a mistake, please try again or call Regions Customer Care at 1-800-734-4667

    All information provided is subject to the Agreement and Disclosure Statement for Electronic Banking Services.

    What kind of bank accounts do you want to enroll in Regions Online Banking?

    What personal account(s) do you have with Regions? Select One

    Enter your Customer Number

    What is my customer number?
    What is your personal Regions Account number?

    Choose a method to verify your personal accounts:

    What is my customer number?

    Select your account type from the list below

    What is my account type?

    ATM/CheckCard Number

    Help Text:What is my CVV number?

    Enter your Customer Number

    Enter the following information for business verification:

    This number is provided at account opening. Don't have this number? Call 1-800-240-7887. Business customers please contact your Business Banker or branch for assistance.

    Your Tax Identification Number is the unique 9-digit number associated with your business for tax purposes and was used to open your account.

    What is your Regions Account number?
    What is your Regions Account number?

    Enter the following information for verification:

    Enter the following information for verification:

    Enter the following information for verification:

    Enter the following information for verification:

    Enter the following information for verification:

    Help Text:What is my CVV number?

    Alert: We’re unable to complete enrollment

    Users must be 13 years old or older to enroll in digital services.

    The date of birth we have on file indicates that you are younger than the minimum age. If this is an error, we can help update your information:

    For more information about our policies, see our Online Privacy Notice.